6. Losing Our Balance

Part 5

Welcome to Part 5 of our discussion.

In Part 4, we talked about practical installation of ladder line.  You'll find that section (and all of the other parts) right below this one.

This month, we're going to take a first look at baluns -- what they do, why they are (sometimes) needed, and perhaps most importantly, how to pronounce "balun" so you don't sound like a lid.

Very simply, baluns match a balanced antenna -- like any typical dipole or loop -- to an unbalanced feedline, most often coax cable.  Hence the name:  BAL (as in balanced) + un (as in unbalanced) = BAL-un.  Not "BAY-lin".  "Not buh-LOON".   BAL (rhymes with Hal and Sal) un (pronounced like the "en" in fallen.  Now you know.

Okay, what do we mean by a balanced antenna?
In an ideal dipole, both legs are exactly equal with respect to ground.  The current and voltage on each is exactly the same, although 180 degrees out of phase.  As we discussed last month, that symmetry carries down along a balanced feedline -- like ladder line.  But since our antenna legs are not close to each other and parallel, as they are in ladder line, the fields no longer cancel.  In fact, they radiate out into space.  And Voila! -- we have a signal on the air.

Coax cable, by contrast, is unbalanced.  The shield is typically connected to our station and RF grounds, while the center conductor floats.  And here's the question that a large percentage of hams, both newbies and old hands, will answer incorrectly --

How many conductors are there in a coaxial cable?

If you said two, read on.  If you said three, go to the head of the class.  That's right, there are three conductors in a coax cable.  The center conductor, the inside of the shield, and the outside of the shield.  Because of the skin effect in an AC circuit -- and an RF signal is simply one type of an AC signal -- the current divides between the inside and outside of the shield.  And now we've "lost our balance".  We no longer have equal and opposite fields canceling each other out.  The result?  The outside of the shield begins to act like an antenna, and radiates a signal.  One problem with this is that it will distort, to some degree at least, the pattern of our antenna.  Now our megabuck BandBlaster Yagi is not concentrating our signal -- and power -- where we intend it to.  But the bigger problem, as you've probably guessed, is RFI/EMI.  That unwanted signal is radiating all along the coax, including in the shack and throughout the house.  And as the number of electronic gadgets in a typical home multiplies, so does the potential for headaches.  Trust me on this -- when your XYL can't watch her football game, or the OM misses the latest episode of his favorite soap opera, things can go downhill rapidly.  I don't suggest that every RFI problem can be cured with a balun, but adding one is the best first step in almost all cases.

So what does a balun do?  To oversimplify a bit, a balun chokes off the flow of current on the outside of the shield, forcing it all to the inside.  We've now "regained our balance" -- equal and opposite fields are generated inside the coax, cancel each other out, and nearly all of our power reaches the antenna.

Baluns can also perform another function at the same time -- they can be used to improve the impedance match between a source and a load.  We could more properly call them "balun and X:Y transformer", where X:Y is the ratio.  But common use is to call them X:Y baluns.  Just keep in mind that they are performing two distinct functions.

Most common are the 1:1 and 4:1 types.  The 1:1 is what we've been talking about so far.  The 4:1 will improve the match (lower the SWR) on high impedance antennas.  A folded dipole, for example, has an impedance of about 300 ohms.  We could feed it with 300 ohm ladder line for an almost perfect match.  But sooner or later we need to transition to 50 ohm coax to connect to our transceiver.  Recall from previous installments that coax losses can increase greatly with high SWR.  Using a 4:1 balun steps up our 50 ohm coax to a 200 ohm load impedance, and a perfectly acceptable 1.5:1 SWR on the coax.

Next time, we'll look at some practical baluns that you can make for just about nothing, and talk about advantages and disadvantages of some of the different types.  Until then,

73 for now,
John Bee, N1GNV

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